University Executive Director of Sustainability and Energy Conservation, CUNY
Tria Case has served for more than a decade as the University Executive Director of Sustainability and Energy Conservation and launched Sustainable CUNY to support the adoption of renewable energy, energy efficiency practices, innovations in clean technology and behavioral changes on CUNY’s campuses and in NYC.
In addition to working with faculty, staff and students on research and in traditional sustainability areas, Ms. Case directs the CUNY Conserves Energy Efficiency Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program and secures and manages multi-millions in funding for O&M projects including the Sustainable Investment Revolving Loan Fund, which supports energy savings projects on CUNY campuses.
Ms. Case formed the Smart Distributed Generation (DG) Hub, with City, State, and Federal participation, in an effort to integrate storage and distributed renewable energy resources into emergency power and resiliency deployment. Her office is responsible for the NYC Solar and Storage Ombudsman program established in partnership with NYC as a result of these efforts.